picture of Minhaj Uddin


<h1 class="name"> Minhaj Uddin </h1>


I am an aspiring software engineer

With a passion for learning

And helping those around me



School: Rutgers University - New Brunswick

Major: B.S in Computer Science

Graduating: 2024



  • Java
  • HTML
  • Git
  • Docker images
  • Jenkins
  • C
  • CSS
  • Github
  • AWS Ec2
  • Maven
  • Python
  • javaScript
  • Gitlab
  • CI/CD
  • OOP


Cache Simulator

Simualting a cache using C, and optimizing programs for maximum efficiency.

Python Data Analysis

Collaborated with classmate to clean, analyze and visualize datasets using python, pandas and matplotlib.

Omnifood Website

A fully responsive website for a fictional AI driven food company. Applied fundemental html, css and javascript principals to deliver a positive user experience. Website is hosted on gitlab pages and has a CI/CD pipeline implemented.

BigInteger Calculator

A simple calculator to parse, add and multiply an arbitrarily large integer that overcomes the computer storage length limitation of an int type.